Oven-safe Temperature For Corningware – Doubts Resolved

Corningware refers to the brand name of glass-ceramic cookware that is usually used for baking. Such cookware is touted to be resistant to thermal shock. It is one of the most popular cookware brands in the US.  Originally, Corningware was made of pyro ceramic glass, which has now been replaced by a lighter ceramic material. … Continue reading Oven-safe Temperature For Corningware – Doubts Resolved

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Can Wooden handles go in the oven?

Handles in cookware are usually designed with some non-reactive or neutral kind of material to prevent the transfer of heat to the handles. Wood, plastic, rubber, silicon, etc are widely used materials for handles. Some materials can be oven safe and some can not be no matter what is the material of your utensil if… Continue reading Can Wooden handles go in the oven?

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